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Lion's Tooth

Susan C. Ramirez • May 02, 2024

     My hands are stained with dirty gold. Which is how I know spring is in full bloom. Because when my hands are stained with dirty gold, the dandelions are in full bloom, and when the dandelions are in full bloom, so is spring.

     My hands are stained with dirty gold because, every day for these past two weeks, I have been picking dandelion flowers with a vengeance. I pick them, and then I trash them. Because they are out of control, aggressively spreading over the earthen canvas that the demure blooms of violets, spring beauties, and Quaker ladies are exquisitely embroidering in purple, pink, and blue.

     Dandelion plants are merciless invaders. I know picking their flowers does not kill them. I also know I may be making their roots and leaves stronger by redirecting their energy. Nonetheless, eradicating dandelion flowers does keep the plants from propagating, and the last thing I want is more dandelion attacks on innocents.

     In medieval France, the dandelion was called dent-de-lioun, which translates into English as “lion’s tooth.” The plant was supposedly so named because its serrated leaves resemble the jaws and teeth of a lion. However, I cannot help but wonder if the moniker has roots that go back another two thousand years to one of Aesop’s fables, “The Lion’s Share,” where a lion does not share with his fellows, but helps his imperious self to all of what should have been equitably apportioned. Because that is what dandelions do. Even today, long after dent-de-lioun was colloquized to the more innocuous sounding dandelion, rather than share, dandelions devour.

     Dandelions evolved thirty million years ago in Eurasia. Folklore has it they finally madeit to what is currently the United States in 1620 when immigrants aboard the Mayflower transported them from their native England. Whether or not that is true, it is a well substantiated fact that dandelions were cultivated for both food and medicine in American colonies of the 17 th century. As they were throughout Europe and Asia for most of recorded history.

     Even now, dandelion roots, leaves, buds, and flowers are used by cooks as highly nutritional ingredients in a wide variety of foods and beverages, as well as by herbalists for many therapeutic purposes. To say nothing of the blossoms used by vintners to make the much celebrated and one-of-a-kind dandelion wine.

     Then too, honeybees and other insect pollinators apparently have a potent thirst for dandelions. When I do my plucking, there are always insect pollinators there with me, getting a buzz guzzling dandelion nectar. Even though I realize pollinators are necessary for human survival, with over 35% of our world’s food crops requiring pollination by animals, I don’t feel guilty cutting them off. Lightfall Hollow, including the yards and gardens of my Stone Harvest home, are full of spring ephemerals.

     Spring ephemerals are so called because they are the first wildflowers to bloom, like the violets, spring beauties, and Quaker ladies embroidering my lawn, and it is their nectar that is best for pollinators. So, when I remove dandelion seducers, I am actually benefiting pollinators by promoting a healthier diet.

     Yet, I will admit, with their stunning gold color and lavish raylike petals, dandelion flowers are beautiful. And there is no question beauty has tremendous value. Beauty is essential. Without beauty, hope and humanity are lost.

     Furthermore, at the risk of irking those more scientifically minded, I can’t help but wonder if dandelions are intelligent beings. When they bloom, their stems throw the flowers high in a blatant attempt to tempt weak-willed pollinators. But when flowering is finished and their bracts close up to shelter developing baby seeds, dandelion stems go limp and fall. Which keeps the vulnerable seeds safely out of sight. Once the seeds mature, the bract folds back, and up go the stems again to catch the wind and get those seeds dispersed. Seems pretty smart.

     Even if dandelions are devoid of any intellectual capabilities, they have certainly captured a lot of hearts. For many, they are symbols of endurance and resilience, representing persistence, stamina, and the innate power to overcome hardship to triumphantly stand. In addition, they are the subject of many fine poems, lovely children’s books, great literary references, and treasured folklore.

     Dandelions are said to grant wishes, carry thoughts and dreams to loved ones, as well as indicate whether two people share a romantic attraction. My favorite piece of dandelion lore proclaims their three life stages of golden flower, silvery sphere, and aeronautical seeds mirror the sun, moon, and stars. Heaven brought down to Earth.

     Like many people, I have a sweet memory of being a child blowing on dandelion puffballs and seeing the feathery pappus parachutes floating through the air, an individual seed hanging on for dear life to each one. How enchanting that was.

     Like many mothers, I have an even sweeter memory of my child gently picking a dandelion flower, like it was the most precious of gifts, and giving it to me, a look of wonder on his face. How tender that was.

     If only dandelions would learn to share! However, they don’t, and so I yank at them until my hands are stained with dirty gold that is almost impossible to wash away. Only to find them back in full force the next day. Picking dandelions is like building a sandcastle at the ocean’s shore. By dawn, all your efforts have vanished. It can easily be seen as senseless work.

     Especially since a dandelion flower produces anywhere from 50 to over 150 seeds. While a dandelion plant annually yields up to 5,000 viable seeds, and they stay viable for up to five years. With the wind’s ferocious contributions, dandelion seeds can travel miles, claiming more and more territory as their own.

     Dandelion plants can live for many years. It is quite possible those presently invading my Stone Harvest home will still be living here when I am dead. Perhaps over time they will entirely take over. The spring ephemerals dead then too. The exquisite purple, pink, and blue embroidery of violets, spring beauties, and Quaker ladies ripped apart and destroyed, devoured by the

rapacious Lion’s Tooth.

     But perhaps not. You never know, and there is always hope. And that’s a wonderful thing.

Lion's Tooth

Credit: Bing Image Generator

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essence of daylily
By Susan C. Ramirez 20 Jul, 2024
Here at Stone Harvest, hundreds of daylilies are blooming like there’s no tomorrow. Their impulse is correct. A daylily flower lives for only one day. When night falls on that day, its petals contract and tightly close around its fertile center, ending any chance for further creation. By the next morning, all that is left of what the day before was a glorious, prospering, living being is a wilted, mushy corpse. I always feel a little sad when I pinch off the dead daylilies and drop them in the dirt. Their existence was no more than a fleeting beauty. But that’s life. I also feel grateful. I feel grateful because the fleeting beauty of daylilies makes the world more enduringly beautiful, and I am convinced humanity needs nature’s beauty to survive. I likewise appreciate the daylilies’ quality over quantity lesson. One that comes with a warning that tomorrow is not a sure thing. It is ever amazing to me how much plants have to teach. I guess that is why I can never seem to let go of the kooky notion that the flora among us are intelligent, conscious beings. Whether smart and aware or not, daylilies grow like crazy for me. Currently, I have daylilies blooming in colors of buttery yellow, creamy white, delicate pink, deep rose, soft peach, radiant coral, intense apricot, eye-popping scarlet, a purple so rich it is almost black, a velvety maroon, and a classy mauve splashed with violet. In addition, there are daylilies with petals of fiery orange striped with a burnt orange. Others have petals that begin as bright yellow, move on to royal purple and end as dirt brown. That doesn’t sound beautiful, but it is beautiful and somehow a bit human as well. Yet, the daylilies I most wish to emulate are the ones with sanguine petals and centers of gold. Much as I would prefer the word heart, according to the American Daylily Society, the center of a daylily flower is called a throat. While daylily throats do come in other colors, most of mine have throats in shades of gold, yellow, or chartreuse. All have fuzzy-tipped stamens, anthers coated with pollen, that extend from their centers to almost beyond the end of their petals. They make the daylilies look like they are sticking out their tongues. So, when the daylilies and I get together, I stick out my tongue too. Silly, I know. But it is how I relate to the daylilies. It is how I imagine together we mock the painful brevity of our lives. And I must say, my childish sauciness makes me laugh, and I am happy! Of the many daylilies that flourish in my gardens on the slope of the pond and alongside the creek, the one that is my favorite is not a cultivar like the others. It is a wildflower. It is often called a tiger daylily. Which is not to be confused with a tiger lily. Since a tiger lily, according to botanists, is a “true” lily. Like all true lilies, it sprouts from a bulb. From its throat through the tips of its petals, the tiger lily is a vibrant orange speckled with dark spots. Its petals curve backward to such an extent the whole blossom droops downward. Blooms last for a week or more, making the tiger lily an excellent cut flower. (Apparently, at some point, someone decided the orange true lily with dark spots resembles a tiger’s fur, and that’s how it got its name. Be that as it may, every tiger I’ve ever seen had no spots. They had stripes. Go figure.) As for the tiger daylily, like all daylilies, it grows from tuberous roots. Its petals too are a vibrant orange color, streaked and highlighted with an even more striking red-orange and coming together in a center of autumn gold, usually streaked with a bit of spring green. Its petals curve only slightly backwards. The blossom is upward facing. For the reason I hope I have by now made clear, the tiger daylily, while as beautiful as the tiger lily, makes a disappointing cut flower. Howbeit, on the upside, though a tiger daylily’s life is short, it typically lives safe and sound in its own home. The tiger daylily is also referred to as a ditch lily or outhouse lily. Names that appear to lack dignity. However, ditch lily comes from the fact that the plant is so robust, it will thrive almost anywhere, even in otherwise barren roadside ditches. As to the other, even less distinguished moniker, in the past, outhouse lilies were planted around privies so that visiting ladies could easily find a toilet without the embarrassment of having to ask. How both amusing and sad it is to think of women being ashamed of what is natural, healthy, and normal for every member of humankind. I cannot help but wonder if the strong, bold example provided by the outhouse lilies growing around those privies subliminally pushed us ladies to toughen up and get a tighter grip on our bodies. Whether outhouse lilies playing a role in women’s progression is an actuality or a product of my imagination, I have no way of really knowing. I will additionally admit that if there is one thing I know about imagination, it is that it is always reaching for something to connect with and build upon. Because, of course, not even the most powerful imagination can create from nothing. Consequently, in its exuberance, it often overreaches. Nonetheless, I like how imagination stretches the mind, loosening it up and leaving it more flexible. Comparable to a yoga session that afterwards makes the body feel, as a friend of mine describes it, deboned. Not just tiger daylilies, but all daylilies are exceptionally drought tolerant, and for this, I am also grateful. Even now, as Lightfall Hollow is experiencing unrelenting heat and drought so horrendous large numbers of my summer flowers, other plants, and even some of the trees are bending to the weather’s will and fading fast, the daylilies continue to stand hale, hardy, and blooming like crazy. As I witness every day of this accursed weather, they are an oasis for the nectar-thirsty and pollen-hungry pollinators that make human, as well as all other terrestrial life on Earth possible. Thus, in more than one way, daylilies are doing their part to help us and our planet. Even if it’s only for a day. But what a difference that day makes. Surely then, it is not an overreach to imagine that if another type of living being is given a more generous helping of time, the positive differences they can make are as many or more than all the days of their life.
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